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Must Watch Anime List

The first semester of this school year is almost over. With the projects, deadlines, college entrance tests and finals bugging just around the corner, all of the students wish that the semester would end sooner or later to have a break from the stressful quarter of their lives. So as a recommendation on how you kill your boredom during your break, here are some sem-ender must watch anime and we highly recommend it! Enjoy and you're welcome!

1.) A Silent Voice / Koe no Katachi (movie)

This movie is amazing that it has very high ratings in Many people like or I must say love this movie because of its unique plot twists and how different it was compared to any other anime movie. "A Silent Voice" follows the emotional and moving story of Shoya Ishida, a school bully, and Shoko Nishimiya, a young girl with a hearing disability. Their story begins in sixth grade when Shoko transfers to Shoya's elementary school and quickly finds herself bullied and isolated due to her hearing disability. Years later, the table turned upside-down, and Shoya finds himself as the victim. "A Silent Voice" depicts the struggles and challenges of adolescence alongside coming-of-age outside the norm.


What is Itazura na Kiss exactly? Probably the most amazing, wonderful, and romantic anime you will ever find. The story follows Kotoko, a cute and spunky girl who is not that book smart, makes up for it in her personality traits that a normal human could not possess. Kotoko is the girl everyone who can't aim the standard personality every woman could be, the girl that gets kicked around by those smarter and more attractive than her, but who is able to ignore all of these things because of her strong will and determination. We will introduce not only Kotoko but also Irie-kun, the most intelligent and attractive student in, well, Japan. He is so scarily intelligent and good looking that it is only natural he shuns every girl who professes her love to him. And so naturally, when Kotoko, who have her eye on Irie for years, tries to give him a love letter, he refused it. Normally, for any girl, this is where the story would end, but for Kotoko it is only the beginning. After a series of unfortunate events, Kotoko and her father end up in Irie's home. And so begins the story of Itazura na Kiss. Kotoko put through many trials as she tried to show Iri how much loves him, living with him and having his AMAZINGLY AWESOME AND HILARIOUS MOTHER on her side is a huge help! There's a lot of things I want to say about this story but if it means to spoil you, I won't continue, so I'm going to say this at least: Watch Itazura na Kiss. It's hilarious but the love story is one of the most amazing and romantic one you will ever find. Kotoko will remain one of my favorite characters of all time because through her hard work and determination to win the love of her life, she proved to everyone that you CAN have your happy ending and have everything you could possibly ever want. ART: The art may seem a little off, but they tried to stick to the original character designs by Kaoru Tada, who died in the process of writing the manga for it. Episode 25 is scarily a lot like the manga in terms of art. Irie and Kotoko change after they get's hard to put your finger on what is so different. But as the story processes the art seems to get a little sloppier. Other than that, I'm really glad they stuck to Kaoru Tada's original design for the most part. SOUND: Sound is good. Kotoko has a really cute voice, Irie rarely talks so his is not as important. It's Irie's mother that is so amazing, her laugh is the PERFE "oh ho ho!"; laugh. CHARACTER: Like I've said, you'll never find another like Kotoko. And it's really sweet to see how Irie changes, the more that Kotoko affects him, makes him think and wonder about his life, and about how he feels about her. Hands down though, Irie's mother is the best character though. She plays so many tricks to get Kotoko--the daughter she never had--to have her way, and tries to steer Irie along into her trap. She is forceful and hilarious and brings most of the comedy into the VERY sarcastic series. ENJOYMENT: I was of course very happy watching the series. Filler episodes tend to get annoying, but you're just dying to see what Irie will do next in the earlier episodes. There's a lot of things that you must know about Irie but sad to say, the series excluded it so I highly recommend reading the manga or at least checking out the Google articles on Itazura na Kiss. OVERALL: Best anime ever. It was totally amazing, and it doesn't matter WHAT you're genre is: Mecha, Shoujo, Shonen, etc. Just watch Itazura na Kiss. It's the anime that falls into it's own genre because it is so amazing. ARIGATO KAORU TADA FOR YOUR CREATION!!!


season 1

This is a must-watch anime series. Even if you're not into basketball/sports, I am confident to say that you will like this. Though the basketball style here is not that realistic (because of those super power like moves that they do). The characters and the story makes it entertaining and I have read the manga first before the season 3 (the final season) aired on the national television. This anime didn't have any kind of romance (besides kuroko and momoi, which I think is not considered as a type of romance??) and it do have a comedy part to it but it gets pretty intense when they are playing seriously inside the court.

They've released a new movie last march 2017 but it is not yet available on the internet that month because it didn't have english subtitles but at this point, I think it is already available at and it is currently on my watch list this coming school break. As you can see in the picture above this text, they are wearing the same jersey which means that they are now in the same team and if you watch the first series, they are in opposing teams that playing against each other. I'm so excited to watch this movie because I've been waiting for it to have subtitles so that I can watch it and understand what they are saying. Here's a video for the trailer of this movie that I found in youtube.


If you want to be entertained, this is one of the right show to watch. No need to be a culinary expert, as long as you're fond of eating and anime. You might end up hungry after watching every episodes. Souma (MC) isn't the main source of comedy here, he's not even a wacky character like luffy. He's a smooth operator, i like that his character was already built as a good cook from the start, though still lacking of experience. Unlike other anime with MC having good potential but fundamentally zero background/basics about their stuff. Most of the Enjoyment here came from the situations like whenever they ridiculously react after they tasted the dish, some are awkward because of the ecchi scenes. Even some of the casual conversations are funny enough. You will eventually know why its really called FOOD WARS on its later episodes, don't wanna spoil but just think of the tv show "iron chef." Just take the story as it is, enjoy and don't expect something dark or depth on it. Its about Yukihira souma trained to cook by his father since childhood. They own a diner but souma's old-man closed it to work abroad and to fund his education in totsuki academy, where the culinary adventure starts. Art and sound are great! watch it on HD and you will appreciate it more. Food appearances may not be detailed or realistic all the time which is not really an issue unless you are keen about details or seeing the ingredients on its realistic art. Of course this show will also teach you cooking but don't expect to learn some advance techniques, even though they explained how the dishes were made. Its hilarious from ep. 1 to 24 but on a serious note, characters here are all aiming to improve their crafts, and achieve their personal goals.

5.) Haikyuu

I have watched quite a few sports anime and I have to say that Haikyuu is so far the best of them. Most people would argue that Kuroko's Basketball is the best. Yes Kuroko's Basketball is really good but there are too many elements that just seem unrealistic. Haikyuu on the other hand is more down to earth and seems to be as close to reality as possible. The anime is more serious than its other counterparts and concentrates less on the ecchi/harem themes, which is a great thing. I just love the story, the soundtracks, the characters and the pacing of the anime is quite good too. The artwork is more than adequate as well. To people planning on watching this- you won't be disappointed!!

Are there any anime you would recommend us to watch this upcoming semesteral break? Leave us a comment and we will be happy responding to your ideas and suggestions.

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